Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 2 Phoenix Rising

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Yesterday marked my first day off from my new job and I was able to get some work done on Phoenix Rising.  The more acclimated I get to my very early morning schedule and the more stable my overall schedule becomes, the more consistently I should be able to get work in.

I started my work with a semi repeat of Day 1, but instead of doing separate washes of Ultramarine Blue followed by Burnt Sienna, I used a mix of those two paints in an overall wash to help darken the shadows and give more substance to the forms.  I then moved to applying color throughout the canvas in an effort to establish base color tones.  I finished with washing in highlights with Titanium White.

I experienced another technical mishap in the day's progress video when a large amount of glare came in during the first half of my work causing the right side of the canvas to get repeatedly washed out with light.  Now that I know of its existence, I think I can adjust the curtains to eliminate the problem in the future.

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